Rotary Club of Patna Kankarbagh - Rotary India

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Total Services 13
Distribution of Old Clothes on Rotary Day

On the occasion of Rotary’s 120th year of Service to the Mankind, R. . .

Health Check-up On the occasion of Rotary Day

On the momentous occasion of Rotary’s 120th Birth Anniversary, The . . .

Annapurna Project IV

Under the Annapurna Project, the Rotary Club of Patna Kankarbagh or. . .


The distribution of old woolen clothes organized by club was a rem. . .

Blanket Distribution II

The Project " Blanket Distribution" organized by Rotary Club of Pat. . .

Blanket Distribution

To beat the ensuing chilli weather in Bihar, Rotary Club of Patna K. . .

Health Check-up Camp a

Rotary Club of Kankarbagh organized General Health Check-up for mor. . .

Career Counselling in a remote Villlage

The Club in collaboration with RCC Aphar and Chhowpatiya Trust, o. . .

Mega Health Check -up Camp-to promote awareness

On the occasion of "World Childrens Day" the Rotary Club of Patna K. . .

Donation of 150CC Kelvinator to a needy Lady.

The Rotary Club of Patna Kankarbagh demonstrated its commitment to . . .

Career Counselling

Rotary Club of Patna Kankarbagh organised a Career Counselling for. . .

Health Hygiene and Nutrition

An Awareness Talk on Health, Personal Hygiene & Nutrition was carri. . .

Career Counselling Seminar

A "Career Counseling Seminar" was organized at Govt. Shree Raghuna. . .

Annapurna Project III

रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पटना कंकरबाग द्वारा आज दिनांक 6 सितंबर 2024 को अन्नपू. . .

Health Check up and Carry Bag Distribution

Health Check up Camp and Carry Bag Distribution project held on 31A. . .

Tree Plantation

Mega Tree Plantation was organized at Mahua village under the Chair. . .

Annapurna Project II

Annapurna Project taken today at Antarjyoti Balika Vidyalay. in the. . .

Tree Plantation II

More than 100 Tree Planted at Bharti Govt. MS School, Lohia Nagar C. . .

Annapurna Project

Annapurna Project was organised in the loving memory of Late Dr. De. . .

Tree Plantation

50 Tree saplings were showed on the occasion of Van Mahotsav at Lo. . .

Doctors Day

Doctors day was celebrated at Raman Diagnostics center Doctors are . . .